The center for Intelligent Drug delivery and sensing Using microcontainers and Nanomechanics (IDUN) is a center of excellence funded by the Danish National Research Foundation and the Villum FoundationThe center is divided into two parts: IDUN Drug and IDUN Sensor, focusing on drug delivery and nanomechanical sensors, respectively.

Bringing science to life

We dare better science,

We grow better scientists,

We create new businesses

We believe in



Having Ambitions

Make a Difference


With the two main research areas in close contact at the center, IDUN explores the great synergy between sensor development and search for new pharmaceutical tools and materials. IDUN Sensor gets, through IDUN Drug, access to unique polymers and biomolecules. Through IDUN Sensor, IDUN Drug is able to characterize, among others, small volumes of materials and molecules, which are today not possible to analyze by any standard technologies. By maintaining and strengthening the coupling between sensor and material development, IDUN creates a unique international environment with high creativity across scientific borders.


We have a positive outlook on all new ideas and we ask for and contribute with feedback whenever possible. We see the larger perspective of our individual projects as well as the overall IDUN project, and we openly and actively search for new collaborators and inspiration.


We embrace differences and use these as one of our greatest assets. We greatly value working in a multicultural and interdisciplinary environment. Within the project, we explain and discuss our work across the many scientific areas, and we listen to suggestions and feedback and ask questions whenever it is required. We aim for solutions that are useful for many people both internally in IDUN and in society.

Having ambitions

To be ambitious is to dare and through our ambitions we enable better science, become better scientists and create new businesses. We strive towards constant improvement by receiving and giving responsible feedback. We aim at finding a balance between ambition and collaboration, between ego and community. We strive for high impact in society by gathering the best people, challenging ourselves and each other, combining our different expertise and reaching for common goals.

Making a difference

Through our common ambitious goals, we strive to make a difference for ourselves, our colleagues, the IDUN project, the scientific community and society. To us, making a difference makes a difference.


In collaborations with both internal IDUN researchers and external partners, we find the inspiration and motivation that allows us to heighten our ambitions and overcome complicated roadblocks and problems. To us, collaboration is a mutually beneficial effort which requires open and honest communication. Consequently, it results in daring science and gives our research endless possibilities.
3 MARCH 2025